Thursday, August 27, 2009

Volunteers Of Lake Country coordinate an Emergency Food Drive for the Pewaukee Food Pantry

After reading an article in the Living Lake Country Reporter on August 5th titled 'Pantry Donations dwindle in the summer months...Pewaukee Food Pantry asks for Help' the Volunteers of Lake Country knew if was information they could not ignore. They immediately targeted the Pewaukee pantry for boxes of fresh produce from the Garden for Good. Volunteers distributed 550 bags and flyers into 5 Pewaukee subdivisions asking for donations of needed food, and picked up the donations left on their porches the following Saturday. An unplanned Food Drive was organized for Friday August 21st. Volunteers passed out lists of needed items to the customers at the Pewaukee Pick N Save on Capitol Drive. In 6 hours, the generous customers filled 4 vehicles with needed items. The total number of items collected and delivered to the pantry....over 1800! The mini-drive collected more items than we ever have before! What were empty shelves a few days prior at the pantry...were now sagging with the weight of shared food!

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